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Line & Partner
Dance Lessons
John & Freida Utzig
7171 Middle Road
South Beloit, IL 61080
Phone: (815) 389-3366
Email: Country Plus

Line Lessons

The hottest new dances! Whether it's country or any of the new musical trends, if it's got a good beat, you'll generally find us teaching and dancing to it. Stop in the at Beloit Moose Club Monday nights and check us out.

Beloit Moose Club
1806 Gale Drive -- Beloit, Wisconsin
6 pm - 8:00 pm Beginner Lessons

Admissions: $5.00 - good for both classes!

Directions - Google


Beginners Line Dance Lessons

We offer a series of Beginner Line Dance Lessons, starting the first Monday in January and again in September.  Each session is about 14 lessons or weeks.  Our beginner class is geared for the novice dance.  In fact, someone who has never danced could easily come and feel comfortable in this class.  This is a good, safe and fun learning environment.  The beginner class is devoted to learning, practicing and reviewing basic steps and dances.  A new dance is taught every session.  We then review and practice these dances in the following sessions.  Beginning students are also and encouraged to stay for the Intermediate lesson and dancing.

Intermediate Line Dance Lessons

Our Intermediate Line Dance Lessons immediately follows the Beginners Lesson.  In this class we teach mostly intermediate dances.  We do throw a few easier dances for a change in pace as well as an occasional advanced dance for a challenge.  After the lesson, the rest of the evening is devoted to open dancing.  We use a Dance Request List and encourage dancers to write down their favorite dances.  We select most dances from the Request List and try to play as many requests as possible.

Partner Lessons

We utilize the latest dances in tasteful partner dancing. Country Plus has choreographed some of the most current popular partner dances in the Midwestern United States. Monday nights at the Beloit Moose Club is an enjoyable time for all of our dancers beginners through advanced!

Beloit Moose Club
1806 Gale Drive -- Beloit, Wisconsin

Time: 6pm - 8:00pm
Admission: $5.00
Directions - Mapquest


Partner Dance Lessons

Our Partner Line Dance Lessons are held every Monday night from September through May.  We generally teach one week and review the next.  In this way, if you miss a lesson there is always another opportunity for instruction.  After the initial "teach," the rest of the time is devoted to reviewing other recent lessons as well as dancing to past favorites.  As always, we encourage our students to request their favorites.  We do not teach Partner Lessons during the summer months to accommodate vacations.